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ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T > Class Template Reference

#include <tree.h>


class  ChainView
class  ChainView< Const >
class  ChildView
class  DescendantView
class  Iterator
class  RootView

Public Types

enum class  SearchType { kDepthFirstSearch , kBreadthFirstSearch }
using const_chain_view = ChainView< true >
using chain_view = ChainView< false >
using const_descendant_view = DescendantView< true >
using descendant_view = DescendantView< false >
using const_child_view = ChildView< true >
using child_view = ChildView< false >
using const_root_view = RootView< true >
using root_view = RootView< false >

Public Member Functions

bool empty () const
size_t size () const
const std::unordered_map< Key, T > & nodes () const
const std::unordered_map< Key, T > & values () const
const_root_view roots () const
root_view roots ()
const T & at (const Key &id) const
T & at (const Key &id)
chain_view ancestors (const Key &id)
const_chain_view ancestors (const Key &id) const
descendant_view descendants (const Key &id, SearchType search_type=SearchType::kBreadthFirstSearch, size_t max_depth=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max())
const_descendant_view descendants (const Key &id, SearchType search_type=SearchType::kBreadthFirstSearch, size_t max_depth=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max()) const
descendant_view nodes (SearchType search_type, size_t max_depth=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max())
const_descendant_view nodes (SearchType search_type, size_t max_depth=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max()) const
bool contains (const Key &id) const
size_t depth (const Key &id) const
void insert (const Key &id, const T &value)
void insert (const Key &id, T &&value)
void insert_child (const Key &id_parent, const Key &id, const T &value)
void insert_child (const Key &id_parent, const Key &id, T &&value)
const std::optional< Key > & parent (const Key &id) const
child_view children (const Key &id)
const_child_view children (const Key &id) const
void clear_parent (const Key &id)
void clear_children (const Key &id)
void set_parent (const Key &id, const Key &id_parent)
void add_child (const Key &id, const Key &id_child)
bool is_ancestor (const Key &id_ancestor, const Key &id) const
bool is_descendant (const Key &id_descendant, const Key &id) const
void printf (std::ostream &os, const std::function< std::string(const Key &key, const T &val)> &StringifyValue) const

Protected Attributes

std::unordered_map< Key, T > nodes_
std::unordered_map< Key, std::optional< Key > > parents_
std::unordered_map< Key, std::vector< Key > > children_


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Tree< Key, T > &tree)

Detailed Description

template<typename Key, typename T>
class ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >

Tree represented as a flat map of keys to nodes and a map from keys to parent keys.

Inserting and accessing nodes is O(1).

Removing nodes is O(M), where M is the number of the removed node's siblings.

Iterating over ancestors is O(D), where D is the number of ancestors of the given node.

Iterating over descendants is O(N), where N is the number of descendants of the given node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_child()

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::add_child ( const Key &  id,
const Key &  id_child 

Adds a child to the given node and clears the child's previous parent.

This function is O(M), where M is the number of children of the given node.

◆ ancestors() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
chain_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::ancestors ( const Key &  id)

Returns an iterator over all the ancestors of the given node, from the given node (inclusive) up to the root.

Dereferencing the iterator returns a (key, value) pair.

Tree<int, char> tree;
tree.insert(0, 'a');
tree.insert_child(0, 1, 'b');
tree.insert_child(0, 2, 'c');
for (const std::pair<int, char>& key_val : tree.ancestors(2)) {
std::cout << key_val.first << ": " << key_val.second << std::endl;
// Expected output:
// >>> 2: c
// >>> 0: a

◆ ancestors() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
const_chain_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::ancestors ( const Key &  id) const

Returns a const iterator over all the ancestors of the given node, from the given node (inclusive) up to the root.

See also
ancestors(const Key&)

◆ at()

template<typename Key , typename T >
const T& ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::at ( const Key &  id) const

Returns the node at the given key.

Access is O(1).

◆ children()

template<typename Key , typename T >
child_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::children ( const Key &  id)

Returns an iterator over the children of the given node.

Dereferencing the iterator returns a (key, value) pair.

Tree<int, char> tree;
tree.insert(0, 'a');
tree.insert_child(0, 1, 'b');
tree.insert_child(0, 2, 'c');
for (const std::pair<int, char>& key_val : tree.children(0)) {
std::cout << key_val.first << ": " << key_val.second << std::endl;
// Expected output:
// >>> 1: b
// >>> 2: c

Lookup is O(1).

◆ clear_children()

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::clear_children ( const Key &  id)

Clears the children of the given node.

This function is O(M), where M is the number of children of the given node.

◆ clear_parent()

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::clear_parent ( const Key &  id)

Clears the parent of the given node.

This function is O(M), where M is the number of siblings of the given node.

◆ contains()

template<typename Key , typename T >
bool ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::contains ( const Key &  id) const

Returns whether the tree contains a node at the given key.

Returns in O(1) time.

◆ depth()

template<typename Key , typename T >
size_t ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::depth ( const Key &  id) const

Returns the depth of the node in the tree, where 0 is the depth of a root node.

Returns in O(d) time, where d is the depth of the tree.

◆ descendants() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
descendant_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::descendants ( const Key &  id,
SearchType  search_type = SearchType::kBreadthFirstSearch,
size_t  max_depth = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() 

Returns an iterator over all the descendants of the given node, from the given node (inclusive) to all the leaves found with depth first search.

Dereferencing the iterator returns a (key, value) pair.

Tree<int, char> tree;
tree.insert(0, 'a');
tree.insert_child(0, 1, 'b');
tree.insert_child(0, 2, 'c');
for (const std::pair<int, char>& key_val : tree.descendants(0)) {
std::cout << key_val.first << ": " << key_val.second << std::endl;
// Expected output:
// >>> 0: a
// >>> 1: b
// >>> 2: c
idKey to start descendants search.
search_typeWhether to use breadth first or depth first search.
max_depthMaximum depth to search.

◆ descendants() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
const_descendant_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::descendants ( const Key &  id,
SearchType  search_type = SearchType::kBreadthFirstSearch,
size_t  max_depth = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() 
) const

Returns a const iterator over all the ancestors of the given node, from the given node (inclusive) up to the root.

See also
descendants(const Key&)

◆ empty()

template<typename Key , typename T >
bool ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::empty ( ) const

Returns whether the tree is empty.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::insert ( const Key &  id,
const T &  value 

Inserts a new node without a parent.

Insertion is O(1).

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::insert ( const Key &  id,
T &&  value 

Inserts a new node without a parent.

See also
insert(const Key&, const T&)

◆ insert_child() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::insert_child ( const Key &  id_parent,
const Key &  id,
const T &  value 

Inserts a new node with the given parent.

Throws an error if a node with the same id already exists.

Insertion is O(1).

◆ insert_child() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::insert_child ( const Key &  id_parent,
const Key &  id,
T &&  value 

Inserts a new node with the given parent.

See also
insert_child(const Key&, const Key&, const T&)

◆ is_ancestor()

template<typename Key , typename T >
bool ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::is_ancestor ( const Key &  id_ancestor,
const Key &  id 
) const

Checks whether id_ancestor is an ancestor of id.

Nodes are ancestors of themselves.

This function is O(D), where D is the depth of the given node.

◆ is_descendant()

template<typename Key , typename T >
bool ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::is_descendant ( const Key &  id_descendant,
const Key &  id 
) const

Checks whether id_descendant is a descendant of id.

Nodes are descendants of themselves.

This function is O(D), where D is the depth of the descendant node.

◆ nodes() [1/3]

template<typename Key , typename T >
const std::unordered_map<Key, T>& ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::nodes ( ) const

Returns a flattened map of all the nodes in the tree.

◆ nodes() [2/3]

template<typename Key , typename T >
descendant_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::nodes ( SearchType  search_type,
size_t  max_depth = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() 

Returns an iterator over all the nodes of the tree, in order of depth/breadth first search.

search_typeWhether to use breadth first or depth first search.
max_depthMaximum depth to search.
See also
descendants(const Key&)

◆ nodes() [3/3]

template<typename Key , typename T >
const_descendant_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::nodes ( SearchType  search_type,
size_t  max_depth = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() 
) const

Returns a const iterator over all the nodes of the tree, in order of depth/breadth first search.

idKey to start descendants search.
bfsWhether to use breadth first or depth first search.
max_depthMaximum depth to search.
See also
descendants(const Key&)

◆ parent()

template<typename Key , typename T >
const std::optional<Key>& ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::parent ( const Key &  id) const

Returns the parent of the given node (the root node will have an empty optional).

Lookup is O(1).

◆ printf()

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::printf ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::function< std::string(const Key &key, const T &val)> &  StringifyValue 
) const

Prints the tree with tab-indented nodes using depth first search.

osStream to print to.
StringifyValueFunctions that converts the node value to a string.

◆ roots()

template<typename Key , typename T >
const_root_view ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::roots ( ) const

Returns the roots (nodes without parents).

Search is O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the tree.

◆ set_parent()

template<typename Key , typename T >
void ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::set_parent ( const Key &  id,
const Key &  id_parent 

Sets the parent of the given node and clears any previous parent.

This function is O(M), where M is the number of siblings of the given node.

◆ size()

template<typename Key , typename T >
size_t ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::size ( ) const

Returns the number of nodes in the tree.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

template<typename Key , typename T >
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Tree< Key, T > &  tree 

Prints the tree with tab-indented nodes using depth first search.

Member Data Documentation

◆ children_

template<typename Key , typename T >
std::unordered_map<Key, std::vector<Key> > ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::children_

Mapping from each node to its children.

◆ nodes_

template<typename Key , typename T >
std::unordered_map<Key, T> ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::nodes_

Flat map of all the nodes in the tree.

◆ parents_

template<typename Key , typename T >
std::unordered_map<Key, std::optional<Key> > ctrl_utils::Tree< Key, T >::parents_

Mapping from each node to its (optional) parent.

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