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ctrl_utils::Args Class Reference

#include <argparse.h>

Public Member Functions

const std::string & help_string () const

Protected Member Functions

template<typename T >
Arg (std::string_view name, std::string_view description)
template<typename T >
Kwarg (std::string_view keys, T &&default_value, std::string_view description)
bool Flag (std::string_view name, bool default_value, std::string_view description)
virtual std::string_view description () const


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Args &args)
template<typename Derived >
std::optional< Derived > ParseArgs (int, char *[])

Detailed Description

Base Args class.

Subclass this class and use the Arg(), Kwarg(), and Flag() methods to declare and initialize the fields of the subclass.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Arg()

template<typename T >
T ctrl_utils::Args::Arg ( std::string_view  name,
std::string_view  description 

Declares a positional argument.

Prints an error if the argument cannot be parsed.

nameName of the argument (only used to generate the help string).
descriptionDescription of the argument.
The parsed positional argument.

◆ description()

virtual std::string_view ctrl_utils::Args::description ( ) const

Optional app description string.

◆ Flag()

bool ctrl_utils::Args::Flag ( std::string_view  name,
bool  default_value,
std::string_view  description 

Declares a flag argument.

Positive flags use the form --flag, and negative flags use the form --no-flag. Prints an error if the argument cannot be parsed.

nameName of the flag (e.g. "flag").
default_valueDefault value of the flag.
descriptionDescription of the argument.
The parsed flag argument.

◆ help_string()

const std::string& ctrl_utils::Args::help_string ( ) const

Help string generated from the defined arguments.

◆ Kwarg()

template<typename T >
T ctrl_utils::Args::Kwarg ( std::string_view  keys,
T &&  default_value,
std::string_view  description 

Declares a keyword argument.

Single-character keywords use the form -k, and multi-character keywords use the form --keyword. Prints an error if the argument cannot be parsed.

keysComma-separated string of keywords (e.g. "k,keyword").
default_valueDefault value of the argument.
descriptionDescription of the argument.
The parsed keyword argument.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Args args 

Prints the parsed fields of the Args object.

◆ ParseArgs

template<typename Derived >
std::optional<Derived> ParseArgs ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Parses the arguments.


struct Args : ctrl_utils::Args {
// Mandatory constructor boilerplate.
explicit Args(ctrl_utils::Args&& args)
: ctrl_utils::Args(std::move(args)) {}
// Create a positional string argument.
// E.g. `./hello joe`
std::string name = Arg<std::string>("name", "Your name.");
// Create an optional int argument.
// E.g. `./hello joe --num-repeat 5` or `./hello joe -n 5`.
int num_repeat = Kwarg<int>("n,num-repeat", 1,
"Number of times to repeat the greeting");
// Create a flag argument.
// E.g. `./bin joe -n 5 --print-name` or `./bin joe -n 5 --no-print-name`.
bool print_name = Flag<bool>("print-name", true, "Print your name.");
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Parse the arguments into an Args object.
std::optional<Args> args = ctrl_utils::ParseArgs<Args>(argc, argv);
// If the optional is empty, the args could not be parsed.
if (!args) return 1;
// Access the parsed args as normal fields in the struct.
const std::string entity = args->print_name ? args->name : "world";
for (int i = 0; i < args->num_repeat; i++) {
std::cout << "Hello " << entity << "!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Definition: argparse.h:83
Definition: optional.h:30
Definition: ctrl_utils.cc:18
Definition: chrono.h:15
A child class of ctrl_utils::Args with its fields populated with the command line arguments, or an empty optional if the parsing fails.

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