Getting Started


See the GitHub page for installation instructions.

Loading PDDL

PDDL specifications get loaded into a Pddl object. From here, you can list the environment objects, apply actions to states, perform basic planning, etc.


#include <symbolic/symbolic>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Load PDDL.
  symbolic::Pddl pddl("resources/domain.pddl", "resources/problem.pddl");

  // Validate PDDL.

  return 0;

See the C++ symbolic::Pddl reference for more details.


import symbolic

# Load PDDL.
pddl = symbolic.Pddl("resources/domain.pddl", "resources/problem.pddl")

# Validate PDDL.

See the Python symbolic.Pddl reference for more details.


Symbolic states are represented as sets of propositions that are true using the closed-world assumption. This means that propositions not included in the set are assumed to be false.


The State class can be instantiated in numerous ways. The easiest is to treat it as a set of proposition strings.

symbolic::State s(pddl, {"on(box, table)", "inworkspace(table)"});

Or using explicit types:

symbolic::Object box(pddl, "box");
symbolic::Object table(pddl, "table");
symbolic::Proposition on_box_table("on", {box, table});
symbolic::Proposition inworkspace_table("inworkspace", {table});
symbolic::State s = {on_box_table, inworkspace_table};

See the C++ symbolic::State reference for more details.


In Python, states are simply represented as sets of proposition strings.

s = {"on(box, table)", "inworkspace(table)"}


Actions whose pre-conditions are satisfied can modify states according to their post-conditions. Action calls (actions whose parameters are instantiated with actual objects) are represented as strings.


symbolic::State s(pddl, {"on(box, table)", "inworkspace(box)", "inworkspace(table)"});
std::string action_call = "pick(box, table)";

// Check pre-conditions.
if (pddl.IsValidAction(s, action_call)) {
    // Apply post-conditions.
    symbolic::State s_next = pddl.NextState(s, action_call);

Or using explicit types:

// Set up state.
symbolic::Object box(pddl, "box");
symbolic::Object table(pddl, "table");
symbolic::Proposition on_box_table("on", {box, table});
symbolic::Proposition inworkspace_table("inworkspace", {table});
symbolic::State s = {on_box_table, inworkspace_table};

// Set up action.
symbolic::Action action(pddl, "pick");
std::vector<symbolic::Object> args = {box, table};

// Check pre-conditions.
if (action.IsValid(s, args)) {
  // Apply post-conditions.
  symbolic::State s_next = action.Apply(s, args);

See the C++ symbolic::Pddl::NextState() and symbolic::Action references for more details.


s = {"on(box, table)", "inworkspace(box)", "inworkspace(table)"}
action_call = "pick(box, table)"

# Check pre-conditions.
if pddl.is_valid_action(s, action_call):
    # Apply post-conditions.
    s_next = pddl.next_state(s, action_call)

See the Python symbolic.Pddl.next_state() and symbolic.Action references for more details.


PDDL goals are specified as first-order logic formulas. Checking if a state satisfies the goal condition is simple:


symbolic::State s = pddl.initial_state();
if (pddl.IsGoalSatisfied(s)) {
  std::cout << "Done!" << std::endl;

See the C++ symbolic::Pddl reference for more details.


s = pddl.initial_state
if pddl.is_goal_satisfied(s):

See the Python symbolic.Pddl reference for more details.


symbolic provides a breadth first search planner for planning in simple domains.


#include <symbolic/symbolic>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Load PDDL.
  symbolic::Pddl pddl("resources/domain.pddl", "resources/problem.pddl");

  // Initialize basic forward planner from the PDDL initial state.
  symbolic::Planner planner(pddl);
  symbolic::BreadthFirstSearch bfs(planner.root(), args.depth, /*verbose=*/false);

  // Perform BFS until the first valid plan.
  std::cout << "Planning..." << std::endl;
  std::vector<symbolic::Planner::Node> plan = *bfs.begin();

  // Extract list of actions to execute.
  // The first nodes in plans returned by BFS just contain the initial state (no action).
  std::vector<std::string> action_skeleton;
  action_skeleton.reserve(plan.size() - 1);
  for (size_t i = 1; i < plan.size(); i++) {

  // Execute plan.
  std::cout << "Executing plan..." << std::endl;
  symbolic::State s = pddl.initial_state();
  for (const std::string& a : action_skeleton) {
    s = pddl.NextState(s, a);
  std::cout << "Final state: " << s << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Is goal satisfied? " << pddl.IsGoalSatisfied(s) << std::endl;

  // Find all valid plans.
  std::cout << "Planning..." << std::endl;
  size_t idx_plan = 0;
  for (const std::vector<symbolic::Planner::Node>& plan : bfs) {
    std::cout << "Solution " << idx_plan << std::endl
              << "===========" << std::endl;

    // Iterate over all nodes in the plan.
    for (const symbolic::Planner::Node& node : plan) {
      std::cout << node << std::endl;

  return 0;

See the C++ symbolic::Planner and symbolic::BreadthFirstSearch references for more details.


import symbolic

# Load PDDL.
pddl = symbolic.Pddl("resources/domain.pddl", "resources/problem.pddl")

# Initialize basic forward planner from the PDDL initial state..
planner = symbolic.Planner(pddl)
bfs = symbolic.BreadthFirstSearch(planner.root, max_depth=5, verbose=False)

# Perform BFS until the first valid plan.
plan = next(iter(bfs))

# Extract list of actions to execute.
# The first nodes in plans returned by BFS just contain the initial state (no action).
action_skeleton = [node.action for node in plan[1:]]

# Execute plan.
print("Executing plan...")
s = pddl.initial_state
for a in action_skeleton:
    s = pddl.next_state(s, a)
print(f"Final state: {s}\n")
print(f"Is goal satisfied? {pddl.is_goal_satisfied(s)}\n")

# Find all valid plans.
for idx_plan, plan in enumerate(bfs):
    print(f"Solution {idx_plan}")

    # Iterate over all nodes in the plan.
    for node in plan:

See the Python symbolic.Planner and symbolic.BreadthFirstSearch references for more details.