
ctrlutils.far_quaternion(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. far_quaternion(quat: Eigen::Quaternion<double, 0>, quat_reference: Eigen::Quaternion<double, 0>) -> Eigen::Quaternion<double, 0>

    Computes the quaternion for the given orientation that is farther from the reference quaternion.


    quat: Quaternion representing the desired orientation. quat_ref: Reference quaternion.


    The quaternion that represents the same orientation as quat but has a negative dot product with quat_ref.

  2. far_quaternion(ori: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3], flags.f_contiguous], quat_reference: Eigen::Quaternion<double, 0>) -> Eigen::Quaternion<double, 0>

    Computes the quaternion for the given orientation that is farther from the reference quaternion.


    quat: Quaternion representing the desired orientation. quat_ref: Reference quaternion.


    The quaternion that represents the same orientation as quat but has a negative dot product with quat_ref.